Location: Kentucky, United States

A group of writers who are happy to share our writing with others who are practicing to become even better writers

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Frying Pan Into the Fire

“Out of the frying pan into the fire.” This saying needs to be sketched into our brains. Let me give you an example.My oldest son had gotten a divorce from his wife so what do you think he does? Before the divorce becomes final, he gets on the Internet to find another woman. She ends up coming to his house and moving in. I told my son don’t jump out of the frying pan into the fire because you will get burned. Well you know the rest of the story.
“Let sleeping dogs lie.” Sometimes being the good mom that I am, I on occasion bring up old stuff that my children have done. The other day my oldest son and I were talking about his brother when he was about sixteen. Chris had been bragging to his Grandmother that he knew how to drive. Granny, he would tell her, “I know how to drive, I’m a good driver.” He was just going on and on about how good a driver he had become. Later on that day when we had gotten home, I ask him to move the car or something, I don’t remember now, anyway he went out there to move the car and backed into his Granny’s car. Now that he is soon to be twenty-four he would rather that we would let sleeping dogs lie.
“The sky is the limit.” I use this idiom sometimes when I talk to my niece. When I tell her to stay in school, be patient, and behave. She is twelve going on forty-eight. I’ll tell her that if she stays in school and learn all she can, then when she gets out into this big world that she can become what ever her heart desires.
“From rags to riches.” This saying reminds me of that Grandpa story that we read in Language Arts class the other day. Grandpa received his riches by the end of that story.
“Don’t count you chickens before they hatch.” I have been known to quote this phrase on occasion. My kids always think that their life is going to be a bed of roses all the time, however it doesn’t work out that way.
Submitted by Diann


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