
Location: Kentucky, United States

A group of writers who are happy to share our writing with others who are practicing to become even better writers

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Everything but the Kitchen Sick
Last week my mother invited us down for supper, she was making chili. We had eaten supper and I asked what all she had put in her chili.She said “Everything But the Kitchen Sink”.
Get Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed
My little niece Kayla ,if she thinks you are being hateful or mean to her she always says “You got up on the wrong Side of the bed, go get back in the bed and get out on the other side”.

Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You
My daughter has a dog and it is the meanest little pup I have ever seen. It bites my daughter all the time. Well he is my daughter's pet but guess who feeds and takes care of him, ME. Well one day the dog was chewing on something he wasn’t supposed to and I went to take it away from him and he tried to bite me. I said “Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You”.
Sink or Swim
One day we had rented a motel to swim and sit in the hot tub. My daughter who was 3 at the time wanted to take her life jacket off. I kept on telling her no! Well after about an hour of her begging to take it off I finally said fine take it off and my mom said “Are you crazy, the water is way over her head”. I told mom she will Sink or Swim. I got back in the water and told her to go ahead and jump in and she did and took off swimming.

You Snooze You Lose

When you snooze you lose
My son and I were driving down Main Street the other day. I was looking on the side of the road and saw something green. I told Josh that it looked like money. He said, "Mom you're crazy." I pulled over and told him to get out and see what it was. He picked it up and smiled at me. He said, "I knew it was money. "“I said, "How much was it? He said," Five dollars. I said,” Someone probably dropped it. “ He said, "Oh well, when you snooze you lose."
Cold turkey
If you want to quit smoking you have to quit cold turkey!
On top of the world
My son won a basketball tournament last night. When he came home he was on top of the world.
By Teresa

School Related

A Shot in the Dark
While taking my Plato quiz, I did not know the answer, thank goodness it was multiple choice, so I took a shot in the dark and got it right.

Blessing in Disguise
When the sewing factory shutdown it was the icing on the cake that the government decided they were going to pay for me to go to school.
The Ends Justify The Means
I am going to remedial school to improve my skills and education to go on to college. The means would justify the ends if I continue on, but if I don’t, the means don't justify the end.
Practice Make Perfect
Practicing something that you are having a hard time with doesn’t necessary make perfect. For example, after being out of school for twenty-two years, going back to school doing things that we haven’t even thought about doing since we were in school isn’t always easy. No matter how much you practice, perfect may never be.
The ends justify the means
Going to school instead of being a part of the workforce can be very discouraging especially if you have financial obligations and a family, but all the hard work and sacrifices that you make to better yourself will in the end, justify the means.

Group effort Brenda, Bessie, Veronica


I have a very special friend who is always bending over backwards to do anything for you. It’s a piece of cake making friends with her. She is a very sweet and gentle person, We can tell each other anything and not have to worry that it might get broadcast all over the place. She is more like my sister than friend. She is not a dog eat dog type of person who would eat you up to your face and talk about you to your back.
Friends like this are hard to find..


March 30, 2006
The Ends Justify The Means:
When you are young and in school you need to start planning for the future. By doing this you have more time to reach your goals. If you have a plan, this will work out better for you.
A Blessing In Disguise:
When bad things happen it can be a blessing in disguise. This is because God had a plan for everyone. Like, last week when we were going to the basketball game, a person’s car had a belt break. I think this happened because she was driving too fast. So God slowed her down before something bad happened.
Idle Hands Are The Devil’s Tool:
When you do not have things to do, your mind will think of things to do. This could be bad because you might think of something mean to do. This is one thing that I feel is meant by this saying.
Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining:
Sometime bad thing happen but in the end everything turns out all right. Like when the factory closed everyone was upset. Now things are looking better because everyone is getting the opportunity to further their education for a new career or a new job.
Water Under The Bridge:
When things happen, I have heard people say that is water under the bridge. This is said because you cannot change what has already happened. Sometime you might want to change thing but you can’t do that so it is water under the bridge.

Frying Pan Into the Fire

“Out of the frying pan into the fire.” This saying needs to be sketched into our brains. Let me give you an example.My oldest son had gotten a divorce from his wife so what do you think he does? Before the divorce becomes final, he gets on the Internet to find another woman. She ends up coming to his house and moving in. I told my son don’t jump out of the frying pan into the fire because you will get burned. Well you know the rest of the story.
“Let sleeping dogs lie.” Sometimes being the good mom that I am, I on occasion bring up old stuff that my children have done. The other day my oldest son and I were talking about his brother when he was about sixteen. Chris had been bragging to his Grandmother that he knew how to drive. Granny, he would tell her, “I know how to drive, I’m a good driver.” He was just going on and on about how good a driver he had become. Later on that day when we had gotten home, I ask him to move the car or something, I don’t remember now, anyway he went out there to move the car and backed into his Granny’s car. Now that he is soon to be twenty-four he would rather that we would let sleeping dogs lie.
“The sky is the limit.” I use this idiom sometimes when I talk to my niece. When I tell her to stay in school, be patient, and behave. She is twelve going on forty-eight. I’ll tell her that if she stays in school and learn all she can, then when she gets out into this big world that she can become what ever her heart desires.
“From rags to riches.” This saying reminds me of that Grandpa story that we read in Language Arts class the other day. Grandpa received his riches by the end of that story.
“Don’t count you chickens before they hatch.” I have been known to quote this phrase on occasion. My kids always think that their life is going to be a bed of roses all the time, however it doesn’t work out that way.
Submitted by Diann

Get Over It

Christina 3-30-2006

Rhonda will argue with me about something and I will tell her to get over it.
My son Chris has no problem with letting the cat out of the bag. He told a friend about people talking about him
My husband can tell anyone all about being in the dog house. He will agree that he has been there more than once.
There has been many times that I have used the expression,” It’s A Dog Eat Dog world”. Most of the time I’m saying it to my children when they are asking for something they don’t need.
Rhonda wanted to get her bellybutton pierced and I told her "over my dead body." I really meant that, even though I know she will probably do when she turns eighteen.
Being head over the hills and blind as bat could get you back to the drawing board, while walking on pin and needles, because you should never bite the hand that feeds you!

Tooth and Nail

tooth and nail”
Sophie is my sons golden retriever. She is very sweet and loving , But I am here to tell you “this little four month old puppy will fight you tooth and nail not to be on a leash.”
“An arm and a leg”
Boy Oh BOY! I can physically feel this statement every time I walk outside and see the gas guzzling dodge truck in my yard. Because it costs a arm and a leg to fill it up.
Burning the midnight oil
I was burning the midnight oil a few weeks ago , I put off doing my computer school work until Saturday night, so I was on the computer until 11:55.

Sick as a Dog

March 31,2006
By Dina
I woke up early yesterday morning and before I could turn over I knew that it was not going to be a good day. My body was hurting all over and I was sick as a dog. I woke my husband up and made coffee and tried to get my day started. He was trying to discuss my plans for the day and I bit his head off. He told me to get back into bed because I must have gotten up on the wrong side of it. I finally took some medicine and went back to bed. When I got up later in the afternoon I felt a lot better, not brand new, but better. Today, I feel like a totally different person. I decided to go to school and see what I missed, better late than never. I may be biting off more than I can chew, but I hope to make a better life for myself by going to college. The thought of going to college is scary, but I’m not going to quit cold turkey.
I hope I don’t have any more days where I feel under the weather because spring has sprung and the sunshine is as bright as a new shiny penny.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


Thursday, March 30, 2006
Saturday I went to Louisville to see a concert and saw four other people from Rockcastle Co. I told my husband it’s a small world after all.
When sewing factory shutdown it was the icing on the cake that the government decided they were going to pay for me to go to school.
I bend over backwards day after day for my family but no ever says thank you for everything you do.
A Combination of Idioms
It was a blessing in disguise that my mother was sick as a dog today when out of the blue my truck tore up. I called her and said, “The apple of your eye needs to use your vehicle.” She told me “When pigs fly” I said “But Mom ,my back is up against the wall and I really need to go to school today.” She just looked at me like I had lost my head I said “Come on let bygones be bygones I am tired of being in the dog house over the last time I wrecked your car.” She said “Okay I am turning over a new leaf today we will start from scratch it will all be water under the bridge here are the keys.”
I am at my wits end trying to figure out anymore of these to write.


By Sheila
Add Fuel To The Fire
When my son and daughter are having a disagreement I try to stay out of it because any thing I say will only add fuel to the fire. If I say anything it would be considered taking sides so the other child would feel that I think more of the other child. Sometimes it’s best to keep your mouth shut.
The Ends Justify The Means
My family has started a new venture. They have opened a grocery store and deli. I have invested a lot of money in their venture. If they make a go of it and I get my money back plus then the end will justify the money I invested.
We Are All In The Same Boat
When we were all working at Rockcastle Mfg. we all had different jobs to perform, but we were all in the same boat. Some people don’t believe this, but we all had a job to do to receive our paychecks. When the plant closed we all lost our jobs. Now we are all doing the same thing in our school classes. Yes, we are all in the same boat.
At Wits End
I am at wits end trying to figure out what to write about in today’s language class. There are only so many thoughts left in this brain of mine. I also have come to the end of the page. So what you have now is all you get.