Location: Kentucky, United States

A group of writers who are happy to share our writing with others who are practicing to become even better writers

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Everything but the Kitchen Sick
Last week my mother invited us down for supper, she was making chili. We had eaten supper and I asked what all she had put in her chili.She said “Everything But the Kitchen Sink”.
Get Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed
My little niece Kayla ,if she thinks you are being hateful or mean to her she always says “You got up on the wrong Side of the bed, go get back in the bed and get out on the other side”.

Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You
My daughter has a dog and it is the meanest little pup I have ever seen. It bites my daughter all the time. Well he is my daughter's pet but guess who feeds and takes care of him, ME. Well one day the dog was chewing on something he wasn’t supposed to and I went to take it away from him and he tried to bite me. I said “Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You”.
Sink or Swim
One day we had rented a motel to swim and sit in the hot tub. My daughter who was 3 at the time wanted to take her life jacket off. I kept on telling her no! Well after about an hour of her begging to take it off I finally said fine take it off and my mom said “Are you crazy, the water is way over her head”. I told mom she will Sink or Swim. I got back in the water and told her to go ahead and jump in and she did and took off swimming.


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